
“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

“Polite conservationists leave no mark save for scars on the Earth that could have been prevented had they stood their ground.” – David Brower

Central Oregon Informed Angler is an exploration of water and fisheries related issues in Central Oregon.  Water is our lifeblood but most of us have little idea where it comes from, how it is delivered, who owns it, or who controls it.  As long as it comes out of the tap and tastes good, we are happy.

The truth is that water is plentiful but over allocated in Central Oregon.  The control of water that was established a hundred years ago when we had an agrarian economy is causing ecological problems while a growing population and global warming will make things worse.  The good news is that we are blessed with the opportunity to reallocate water in the Deschutes Basin in a way that could satisfy everyone’s needs, but it will take significant public pressure.

This is a fascinating issue that combines our pioneer history, geology, water law, urbanization, economic models, state and local politics, and a vision for a sustainable future.  My hope is to lift the “water IQ” of our community so that we may have informed opinions, make wise votes, and lay the water foundation for the future of Central Oregon.

This blog reflects the personal opinions of Yancy Lind.  I have a full time job doing something completely unrelated but my passion for fly fishing has led me to become a fisheries and water advocate.  If anglers won’t stand up for the rights of rivers, lakes, fish, and the people who enjoy them, who will?

I have been active in two fishing clubs Central Oregon Flyfishers (currently Programs Chair, past President, Vice-President, Conservation Chair, Education Chair, Outings Chair, Flyfisher of the Year, Conservation Award, Honorary Life Member) and the Association of NW Steelheaders (co-founder and past president of the Deschutes Basin Chapter). I served for 8 years on ODFW’s Restoration & Enhancement Board. My involvement with these groups has helped with my education but the opinions expressed here are my own. I was a participant in the Basin Study Work Group and am currently a member of the Deschutes Basin Water Collaborative.  I am the recipient of the 2018 Award of Merit from the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society.

Below are the groups I support with my donations.  I don’t agree with everything they do, but they are definitely part of the solution.  I’m sure they would appreciate your help as well.

If you want to learn to fly fish in Central Oregon you should join Central Oregon Flyfishers.