Grab bag and some cool videos at the end

I’ve been preparing for my next fishing adventure, which starts tomorrow, and have not had the time to post, but as always there has been plenty to write about. So, here are a few short takes on Klamath Dam removal, the impact of ocean heating, our nationwide groundwater “crisis”, and some short videos of fish moving through Opal Springs dam.

The Klamath River Renewal Corporation released their latest newsletter. If you are interested in the dam removal project, it’s worth reading. They go over Copco 2’s removal, the schedule for removing the remaining 3 dams, projections for sediment released into the river, restoration activities, etc.

The Wall Street Journal had an interesting article about heating oceans “disrupting ecosystems and industries that depend on the sea for life”. This may seem like old news to some, but for the WSJ to cover the economic impact means that the topic has become mainstream. The article also has a great map showing how warm our planet’s oceans have become.

The NY Times ran a story titled, “America Is Using Up Its Groundwater Like There’s No Tomorrow“. They state that this is a “crisis that threatens American prosperity”. I am reminded of a meeting I was in not too long ago where I stated that we are in a water crisis and the City of Bend representative said that I was wrong, there is no crisis. I remain dumbfounded by that comment.

Finally, here are some cool videos of fish recently moving through the fish ladder at Opal Springs Dam. This year’s spring chinook migration is about over at this point and I will write more about that when I get back in town.

A nice brown trout.

A spring chinook.

Can you identify this?