ODFW 2025-2027 budget preparation

ODFW is the only state agency that actively solicits public input when developing its budget. That process for the 2025-2027 biennium is now underway. I have been attending these meetings for many years. They have been illuminating and frustrating. If you want to understand how ODFW works, I encourage you to watch the video of the first public budget meeting which occurred last week, review the listed materials, and perhaps submit written comments. The good news is that a perennially underfunded agency has seen its budget grow recently and they have been able to undertake some good projects. Of course, much more needs to be done with a potentially smaller future budget. Side bar: For years, I have been an ODFW volunteer in a variety of ways and think they could improve in many areas, but am saddened by how often I hear department criticism that is mostly uniformed. Watching this video is a great way to start to understand how they make decisions.